Blue Flower

Palm Oil Mill Effluent, POME for short, comes from the water which is used to clean the fruits and wash the Palm Oil Mill processing equipment. The water is usually drained and poured into the waste water ponds. The water contains 3~5% crude palm oil. The pond works as natural filter and treatment for the effluent. The Oil and Water is separated naturally by gravity in the pond, while the water is allowed to seep into the ground with content of little oil, and some surface water is already chemically bonded. This process continues as new effluent is poured into the pond and more water is seeping down into the earth. The pond continues to get enriched with accumulated crude palm oil. Finally the oil content increases at the top of the pond. The oil would get oxidation as it is exposure to oxygen in the presence of water.

As a professional manufacturer of Decanter Centrifuge and Disc Stack Separator, GN Company can supply solution as follow:

1. Supplying dewatering machine, generally Shaker, to remove coarse particle from the sludge, that will make transportation easier from various ponds located at different locations to the factory where the finished product (Palm Acid Oil) are produced.

2. Supplying Decanter Centrifuge for solid liquid separation.

3. Supplying Disc Stack Separator that will finally extract the Palm Acid Oil (PAO) or Palm Sludge Oil (PSO) from the liquid, that is Oil Water separation.

(GN Company also manufactures and supplies other accessories, including Pump, Screw Conveyor, etc.)

Note: The accumulated sludge shall be reconstituted with hot/steam water firstly, and then it can be sent to our Treatment System for separation into Water, Oil, and Impurities.

Based on GN Company Technical Department’s experience, the moisture and Impurities content in the oil (PAO/PSO) after treatment would not be more than 3%.

Welcome to contact GN Sales Managers for inquiring about one stop turnkey solution for your project.

Best & Regards,

Kevin Liu

Regional Manager

GN Separation & Conveying

Hebei GN Separation & Conveying Equipment Co.,Ltd

Tel:+86-316-5276988/9 Fax:+86-315-5276990

Mob(WhatsApp/Wechat): +86-15810901775

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Address: No. 1 Zhongxun Road Dachang Chaobai River Industry Zone, Langfang, Hebei, China (Close to Beijing Int. Airport)